Summer is upon us… or so it should be!
We prepare the skin for the sun, at least one month before sun exposure it is advisable to start taking supplements based on beta-carotene, lycopene, polypodium leucotomos, vitamin C and E and resveratrol. All substances that stimulate the production of melanin.
If in the past you have suffered from photodermatitis and sun intolerance problems, these will reduce or disappear. The goal is to limit the oxidative stress damage caused by the sun. Even if we are still in the city, we begin to expose ourselves to the sun gradually, we get used to our skin.
Per questo abbiamo deciso di introdurre nella nostra gamma di solari il Tanning Activator Cream, un’emulsione a rapido assorbimento che aiuta ad ottenere un’abbronzatura omogenea e duratura, assicurando alla pelle un nutrimento profondo. Arricchita con olio di carota, mandorle, albicocca e uno speciale attivo stimolante della melanina.
Always a must, on vacation, by the sea or in the mountains, is the use of high and medium protection sun creams!