A sustainable and green choice for the environment and for your skin

Never before has the need to get closer to the earth, to nature, to everything that is good for you, become essential. Cosmetics is also evolving, specializing in the selection of 100% natural ingredients from the vegetable and mineral world. Perfect Skin presents its first collection AIAB CERTIFIED ORGANIC FACIAL SKINCARE*, totally natural and enriched with powerful active ingredients that come directly from the earth and the sea. This new organic beauty routine guarantees the correct supply of natural nutrients, does not contain any active ingredients or derivatives from the animal world, is perfect for all skin types and effective for hydrating and keeping the skin microbiome in balance.

A tribute to beauty and to the organic lifestyle that is increasingly in harmony with nature even when it comes to our daily beauty routine. The plant and natural active ingredients that characterize the products PERFECT SKIN ORGANIC offer a selection of the finest and most effective raw materials found in nature.

*Il marchio garantisce che gli operatori rispettino un disciplinare specifico e i seguenti principi di base: assenza di materie prime non vegetali allergizzanti e irritanti o ritenute dannose per la salute dell’uomo; i prodotti devono essere completamente ogm free; l’assenza di sperimentazione animale; l’utilizzo di prodotti agricoli e zootecnici provenienti da agricoltura biologica certificata; l’assenza di materiali non sostenibili dal punto di vista ecologico, sia nel prodotto che nell’imballaggio.